Why you should be good and not expect the reward for it

Salihu Ibrahim
Better Advice
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2020


Ok, this is an inspiring story that I thought I share with my readers, so please be patient to read until the end and I have some advice that comes with it.

After a heavy protest in buffalo, New York. Antonio Gwynn Jr decided to clean up the damage, he grabbed the broom and brought some trash bags and started cleaning up the streets by himself.

He started the cleanup at about 2 a.m on a faithful Monday. While he was cleaning up an organized group of neighbours arrived later that morning to do the cleaning but only to realise that Gwynn had spent 10 hours doing most of the work and left very few of cleaning for the neighbours and out of appreciation the community decided to reward Gwynn.

Antonio Gwynn Jr is an 18-year-old teen and high school senior when CNN came to interview Gynn he told them that he saw on the local news that bailey avenue in Buffalo was covered in glass and garbage he new people need to use that street to get to work in the morning. And when Gwynn was asked why he did so by CNN he gave a remarkable answer that,

When word spread on what Gwynn had done the community responded.

Matt Block saw Gwynn’s story on the news and decided to show generosity by giving his 2004 red Mustang convertible.

Matt told CNN that is one he wanted since he was a child but these days he only uses it occasionally. He saw Gynn ask for some car buying advice and Matt decided to offer him his sports car.

But what fascinates me the most in this story that, it turns out that the gift had more meaning, the car was similar to what Gwynn mother drove before she passed in 2018, when Matt realized the coincidence it gave him “goosebumps” and Gwynn did not know what to say.

Local Bussines man Bob learned of Gwynn gift and decided to cover a whole year car insurance for the mustang through his agency

I just felt compelled to help him, “we just need to get together our whole city and show people how there are so many good people here,” Briceland told CNN

After high school, Gwynn had planned to go to trade school while saving up to go to college. Upon hearing Gwynn’s story, Medaille College in Buffalo offered him a full scholarship where he plans to study business starting this fall. One of his many career goals is to open a cleaning business.

This is the first time Gwynn received this type of recognition for his good deeds, but this is not the first time he stepped up to help others. He is a member of Kappa Phi where he enjoys doing community service, and he helps out at churches.

Gwynn is thankful for the community response, saying, “I appreciate everything everyone is doing for me.”

The lesson to be thought

Well from the story of Antonio Gwynn Jr you realize it wasn’t the first time Gwynn had been good, it has been a habit of his for a long time and I think he got that from his mother.

Seen this story just made me realized that you don’t have to go out of your way trying to impress people, the people you always want impress might be the ones to disappoint you but when you do good things out of pure intentions it comes with a long-lasting reward you might never expect or even imagine, am not saying that with every good deed comes immediate reward, but just have it at the back of your mind that as a good person you will always have people looking up to you and you might also be an influence to upcoming heroes in our community.

Take young Gwynn, for example, he did not wake up at 2.a.m to clean up because he was promised a reward for that he did that because he knew that the people would need the street to get to work and so he took action.

I hope you find this story inspiring and I hope if you are the type of person that loves to be kind to others and your society you will continue to be motivated and I pray that you have the strength for it.

Bless you.

Actual news from CNN,




Salihu Ibrahim
Better Advice

Enthusiastic 3d artist that loves to share tech news and talk about social issues